Kari Medina is a social work intern at SURVIVORS. She is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work at San Diego State University. At SURVIVORS Kari assists Cassie Murray, clinical case manager, with case management. Kari attended the October Healing Club with clients, staff, and volunteer drivers. Here are her observations…


“Being part of the October Healing Club was such an exciting and awesome experience. The location picked for the pumpkin patch was really peaceful and memorable. It felt really nice to be outdoors and it was really rewarding to see how clients were enjoying the outdoors and having a great time taking pictures with the pumpkins and running around with their kids in the open field. I was able to observe how this experience was new and healing to many clients, as many of them don’t have the opportunity to explore San Diego on a daily basis. When clients learned about American fall holidays and the many different uses of pumpkins they responded with excitement and wanted to know more.  The client’s reactions made me appreciate how something as simple as being outdoors and sharing new experiences with family can be healing and rewarding.”


