SURVIVORS is in need of dentists on a volunteer or reduced fee schedule.



Licensed dental volunteers are greatly needed to accept clients into their practice either pro bono or on a greatly reduced fee schedule. Dental services requested may include teeth cleaning, x-rays, fillings, extractions, denture fittings, or even more extensive dental work (including root canals, crowns, tooth removal, etc). Many of our clients have dental issues stemming from their torture experience as well as from a lack of access to dental care on their journeys to safety.

Some, though not all, of our clients have basic dental insurance which often does not adequately cover the expense of the extensive dental work needed. Many clients do not have access to routine/preventative dental care including exams, cleanings, and x-rays. A commitment to provide complete care for a number of clients per month (for example, providing an exam, x-rays, fillings, and tooth extraction for 1 client), as well as a commitment to provide a specific service (such as providing 2 free teeth cleanings per month) would be greatly appreciated.

Please call Niki at 619-278-2421 or email her at for more information.