The Value of Volunteering

By Katherina Todisco, Community Relations Intern Survivors of Torture, International offers diverse volunteer opportunities to help our community of survivors. We are always seeking new volunteers willing to be part of our family at SURVIVORS. The work of our...

Seeking Dentists (pro-bono or reduced fee)

SURVIVORS is in need of dentists on a volunteer or reduced fee schedule.     Licensed dental volunteers are greatly needed to accept clients into their practice either pro bono or on a greatly reduced fee schedule. Dental services requested may include teeth...

Reflections from a Former Intern

by Andrew Worth, ISCOR intern 2014 Before I began my first internship with Survivors of Torture, International I did not fully understand just how many survivors of torture resided in the San Diego region. During the time of my internship I was a student of the...

Client Non-Perishable Food Wish List

SURVIVORS’ clients have expressed much appreciation for the non-perishable food items available in our kitchen for the past few months. Some asylum seeking clients are here for long hours for a psychological or medical evaluation, many clients stay in the office...